Why the Event
Coal: A Vital Part of Future Energy Resources
Energy is as essential as food, shelter and clothing, the world will use 50 percent more energy in the next quarter century, fossil fuels are the only resources with the scale to meet global demand, and coal will play an essential role in providing this power. Coal has been the fastest-growing fuel for the past decade, and coal’s market share is projected to grow.
Problems We Faced With the Continue Using Of Coal:
Energy Crisis and Environmental Pollution
As we continue increasing our use of coal, the pressing crisis we face is the energy crisi affecting billions who lack adequate access to a basic necessity and the environment pollution. As coal is the only large-scale, sustainable fuel capable of meeting the demands of the world’s major economies, so it is essential for us to solve this energy nadequate and environmental pollution problems. Clean coal technology is the right path to accomplish our energy, economics and environmental goals.

China is the world’s largest coal producer and consumer, and China is short of oil and gas resources, so coal will be the major way to meet enormous energy needs. At the ame time, the industry of coal-based power and chemicals play a critical role in China’s sustainable development. With the overall trend of energy reservation& environmental protection, China is urgent calls for clean coal technologies to improve
energy utilization efficiency and reduce consumption and emission.
Conference Vision and Objective: Commercializing Clean Coal
Technologies in Driving Energy Reservation & Environmental Protection
With this in mind, the 7th clean coal forum is designed in response to energy reservation & environmental protection, serve as the information and networking platform for commercializing clean coal technologies in China and the world. We will address the most crucial issues that will determine your performance objectives in China and in the world and we strongly believe this conference will generate some valuable advices to assist you to gauge the pulse of this ever-changing industry and grasping the latest and most advanced clean coal technologies.

We cordially invite you join this two-day conference that will eventually benefit your business especially in China. This unique gathering will be a must-attend event by bringing together government, energy companies, coal chemical companies, power generation companies, EPC contractors, technology & equipment vendors. And it will be the platform where Chinese and international players gain market intelligence from each other on accessing into different regional markets, share best practices and strategies that can help each other accomplish the energy, economics and environmental goals.
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Forum 2011

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