
Crowne Plaza Beijing Wangfujing

48 Wangfujing Avenue, Dongcheng District, 100006 Beijing, China

Contacts :Tel: + (86 10) 5911 9999
联系方式:电话: +86 10 5911 9999

Set on bustling Wangfujing Avenue, Crowne Plaza Beijing stands in the heart of the city's vibrant shopping and international business centers, such as Oriental Plaza, Financial Street and CBD. The hotel is Just 45 minutes drive from Beijing International Airport and 15 minutes from Beijing Railway Station with easy highway access to Shenyang, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang. Just a 10-minute stroll or taxi ride will bring you to the magnificent Forbidden City and other historical landmarks including Tiananmen Square, Great Hall of the People, Temple of Heaven and Lama Temple.

Travel Tips: About 2.5 km from Tian'anmen Square, About 30 km from Beijing Capital International Airport , About 3.0 km from Beijing Railway Station
交通提示:距天安门广场 2.5公里 ,距北京国际机场30公里 ,距北京火车站 3.0公里

Website / 会场网址: www.crowneplaza.com/beijingchn