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"NYMEX Names New Director of Singapore Office"

Source: NYMEX

News Archive
NYMEX Names New Director of Singapore Office
NEW YORK, Oct. 3 /PRNewswire-FirstCall/ -- The New York Mercantile Exchange, Inc. today announced that it has named George Ng as the director of Asia marketing, based in its Singapore office.
Prior to joining NYMEX, Mr. Ng served as assistant vice president of market and membership development for the Joint Asian Derivatives Exchange (JADE), where he was responsible for promoting commodity derivatives trading and overseeing their promotions and education functions.
Mr. Ng also worked for the Singapore Commodity Exchange and Informatics Computer School in Singapore. He earned a bachelor's degree in business administration from the Wichita State University.
NYMEX President and Chief Executive Officer James E. Newsome said, "Having a NYMEX presence in Singapore will help us continue our development in the Asian marketplace and serve our Asian clients more effectively. We are pleased to have George onboard to assist us in this region of rapid and staggering growth."
The NYMEX office is located on Level 31, 6 Battery Rd, Singapore and can be reached by telephone at 65-6322-8596.
Forward Looking and Cautionary Statements
This press release may contain forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act, with respect to our future performance, operating results, strategy, and other future events. Such statements generally include words such as could, can, anticipate, believe, expect, seek, pursue, and similar words and terms, in connection with any discussion of future results. Forward-looking statements involve a number of assumptions, risks, and uncertainties, any of which may cause actual results to differ materially from the anticipated, estimated, or projected results referenced in forward-looking statements. In particular, the forward-looking statements of NYMEX Holdings, Inc., and its subsidiaries are subject to the following risks and uncertainties: the success and timing of new futures contracts and products; changes in political, economic, or industry conditions; the unfavorable resolution of material legal proceedings; the impact and timing of technological changes and the adequacy of intellectual property protection; the impact of legislative and regulatory actions, including without limitation, actions by the Commodity Futures Trading Commission; and terrorist activities and international hostilities, which may affect the general economy as well as oil and other commodity markets. We assume no obligation to update or supplement our forward-looking statements.
CONTACT: Anu Ahluwalia, +1-212-299-2439, or Keil Decker,
+1-212-299-2209, both of NYMEX
Web site: http://www.nymex.com/


上海 中国 2008/7/24
     中国、新加坡两大知名会议机构上海决策者经济顾问有限公司和Pinnacle集团携手国际知名投资家David Bensimon以及纽约商业交易所(NYMEX)为您联手呈现亚洲最值得期待的”商品期货投资国际峰会2008”, 本次峰会于2008年9月24至26日在上海世纪皇冠假日酒店举行,将吸引超过200位来自全球和中国的机构投资者、私募、对冲基金、基金经理、交易所、交易商、期货经纪公司和大宗商品生产流通企业共襄盛会。本次盛会得到了中国投资学会、上海社科院以及上海黄金交易所的鼎力支持。
     2003年以来的全球商品牛市备受市场瞩目, 无论是商品本身的价格波动、市场交易量,还是产品创新都达到前所未有的水平。然而2008年伴随着美国次贷危机阴影的蔓延和对全球经济前景恶化的担忧, 怀着对新兴市场能否免疫于经济衰退的影响而继续呈现强劲需求以及美元能否触底反弹的疑问, 全球商品价格如过山车般高低起伏, 商品牛市是否已见顶的忧虑徘徊在各大市场参与者的心中, 而作为商品市场中很重要的“中国因素”在奥运会后又将面临怎样的不确定性? 商品市场中唯一确定的就是不确定性,我们将如何在众多的不确定性中找寻商品投资诀窍, “商品期货投资国际峰会2008”于奥运后一个月将为您解答如下困惑:
  • 低迷的金融市场中, 商品市场是否这边风光独好?
  • 经济放缓通胀压力下, 商品投资该如何融入您的投资组合?
  • 指数基金是否已成为商品市场投机泡沫的罪魁祸首?
  • 笼罩在全球经济危机下的新兴市场能否继续支撑起全球商品牛市?
  • 后奥运时代的“中国需求”将如何影响全球商品牛市进程?
  • 石油、黄金、农产品、基础金属: 谁将最终跑赢大市脱颖而出?
  • 私募阳光化该如何前行?

  • 目前已确认出席演讲和讨论的嘉宾包括:
    庄心一 副主席 中国证券监督管理委员会 (已邀请)
    Farzam Kamalabadi 总裁 Future Trends International
    Nelson Low 亚洲区商品期货主管 芝加哥交易所集团 (CME)
    George Ng 亚洲资深市场总监 纽约商业交易所(NYMEX
    Jennifer Ilkiw 总监 洲际交易所
    Lamon Rutten 联合董事总经理 印度多商品交易所
    宋钰勤 副总经理 上海黄金交易所
    David Bensimon 国际知名投资家
    Craig Howard Russell 中国市场首席战略分析师 丹麦盛宝银行
    Foong Hock Meng 总裁 太平洋投资管理公司
    George Zivic 合伙人 Almanac资本管理公司
    Tim Hornibrook 部门总监 麦格理集团
    Antoine Halff 商品研究部主管 Newedge
    Jonathan Kornafel 亚洲区董事 Hudson Capital Energy LLC
    Pete McGuire 执行董事Commodity Warrants Australia
    Dennis Gartman 资深商品投资分析师
    Sonal Shah 首席执行官 YES Food & Agribusiness Fund India
    Sudhakar Tomar 董事总经理 Hakan Agro DMCC , Dubai
    Kushal Thaker 印度资深商品期货交易商

    更多信息可查询大会官方网站:www.chinadecisionmakers.com/commodities 或大会官方邮箱 commodities@chinadecisionmakers.com .

    电话:86 21 68407631
    传真:86 21 68407632
    电子邮件: commodities@chinadecisionmakers.com
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