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Argus Media
阿格斯公司是一家全球领先的独立能源报价和分析的专业公司, 在国际能源市场有近40年的丰富经验。阿格斯公司拥有一支由报价记者和专业分析员组成的国际团队, 提供可靠具有代表性的市场基准价格和深入独到的分析和相关的资讯信息。阿格斯报价在全球现货、长期合同及纸货交易中被广泛用于官方指导价. 如果需要进一步了解我公司广泛的能源市场报道,专题分析,数据库及我们的其他产品和服务,请登陆我公司的中文网站: www.arguschina.cn.
网站: www.upstreamonline.com
Upstream is an award-winning global oil & gas newspaper, published weekly and solely available on a subscription basis at an annual subscription fee of US$950.
Upstream's influential readers are willing to pay for quality, that's the philosophy. With an experienced team of 26 reporters located around the world, Upstream can provide the unbiased, independent journalism that readers praise so highly. Upstream is described as "invaluable", "excellent" and "the best publication of its type on the market" by senior managers in some of the most respected companies in the industry.
Upstream has firmly established itself as the leading source of quality news in the international oil and gas industry.
The latest survey shows that 94% rate Upstream as very good or fairly good, with subscribers reading 7.3 out of every 8 issues on average, and with each issue being passed on to an average of 6.15 people.
Furthermore, it is clearly a publication favoured by management, with 96% of its readers classing themselves in this category and 58% influencing the strategic development of their company.
Despite their senior ranking, Upstream's subscribers value the publication so highly that they spend an average of 43 minutes per week reading the newspaper.
网站: www.upstreamonline.com
Established in February 2007, this new but fast growing web portal, provides almost all the information needs of the oil and gas industry. Focused content in the portal, with the professional and serious visitor and user in mind, is moving Worldoils towards the position where it aspires to be – the central place for all the world's oil and gas information. This is creating a solid platform for the event organizers, equipment and service providers, consultants, researchers and the training organizations to showcase their services. Worldoils has now launched a job portal for the Oil, Gas, Offshore and Maritime industry under one system.
网站: www.worldoils.com
网站: www.platts.com
Interfax China
Interfax China, an arm of the Interfax International Information Group, is the leading source of industry-specific business news in China. As the largest independent news organization in the country, Interfax China offers insightful reporting and in-depth commentary and analysis, putting valuable and unbiased information about China's major industries at its customers' fingertips. Weekly reports focus on the metals and mining, energy, pharmaceutical health and technologies, and IT and telecommunication industries. In addition, Interfax China offers research services that can be tailored to clients' needs.
网站: www.interfax.cn
Maritime Executives
The First True Business Journal for Maritime Executives
Strategies & solutions through case studies, interviews and articles that address the most critical issues in the maritime industry today.
Only The Maritime Executive provides such depth of insight into the decision making process of leaders throughout the maritime world.
The Maritime Executive is the only vehicle so sharply focused to deliver essential information from maritime decision makers to other maritime decision makers - an indispensable weapon in your arsenal for further business success.
网站: www.maritime-executive.com
Gas & Oil Connections
Alexander's Gas & Oil Connections at www.gasandoil.com is a leading portal site for high-quality news and information for the global gas, oil, power and affiliated industry. AGOC publishes an extensive free newsletter and, with various partners, journals such as Oil, Gas & Energy Law Intelligence, Global Pipeline Monthly and Contracts & Tenders. Various free sample issues are available at the website.
网站: www.gasandoil.com
网站: www.bloomberg.com
网站: www.cavendishgroup.cn
PETROFINDER is the leading and young company which is providing the most advanced online platform for the real time trading and auction solutions for international oil and gas industries and major physical markets. Please find our introduction and services as follows :
B-to-B Online Trading Platform in Energy Sector
PETROFINDER provides E-commerce & B-to-B system helping companies run to reach successful contracts more efficiently.
Trading & Brokerage, Marketing and Consulting Services
PETROFINDER provides the international trading, brokerage and marketing and consulting services for oil & gas business and projects.
Online P.R , Advertising and Global Recruitment Services
PETROFINDER provides high quality Online P.R ,Advertising and Global Recruitment Services for the oil and gas and energy-related industries and companies.
网站: www.petrofinder.com
Rig Market
Rig Market provides Energy News, Energy Events, Equipments and Offshore Drilling Rigs database. In addition, you can browse a directory of Energy companies worldwide.
At Rig Market, you can see real-time Energy & Metal prices.
The services available include: Daily Online Newsletter, Weekly Newsletter, Offshore Rigs Locator and a platform for many types of Advertisements.
At Rig Market website, companies can add their Names and URLs, Events, Equipment and post Press Releases.
网站: www.rigmarket.com
IranOilGas description:
IranOilGas Network, Iran's pioneering private oil, gas and petrochemical Online News & Information Network in English, was created by highly experienced professionals in the year 2000. The Network plays an essential role in helping its members keep in touch with the occurrences in Iran's petroleum industry because it collects and presents the right and accurate information and daily news about it. The principal goals of IranOilGas Network are to fill the gap of information in the highly specialized petroleum field in Iran and partially in the Middle-East.
网站: www.iranoilgas.com
CEDIGAZ is an international association dedicated to natural gas information, created in 1961 by a group of international gas companies and the Institut Francais du Pétrole (IFP). It is based near Paris. CEDIGAZ has more than 170 members in 40 countries, associating most of the leading international oil and gas companies, national and international organizations, banks, consultants, engineering companies and equipment suppliers. CEDIGAZ' goals consist in: - Gathering, compiling and analysing worldwide economical information on natural gas, LNG and unconventional gas in an exhaustive and critical way. Whether technical or economic, the information that CEDIGAZ deals with touches on all activities and aspects of the gas industry (exploration, reserves, production and processing, transportation, trade, storage, distribution and consumption of natural gas). - Diffusing this information in its periodic bulletins, surveys and online database.
网站: www.cedigaz.org
网站: www.zoomchina.com.cn
China Coal Resource website
China Coal Resource website (http://en.sxcoal.com), operated by Shanxi-based Fenwei Energy Consulting Co., Ltd (http://new.fwenergy.com.cn), provides the most up-to-date news & analysis, statistics and prices data relating to the Chinese coal/coke and relevant industries. With nearly 100 consultants specializing in all sectors of the coal, coke and related industries, we are committed to providing the most comprehensive and professional information on the Chinese coal and coke industries, and the downstream sectors with in-depth analysis and forecasts for the future energy scenario. Combining years of experiences in the domestic coal industry, our professional experts' team is working to bring mutually benefits and win-win results for domestic and international clients.
网站: en.sxcoal.com
振威全球石油网创建于2004年,重点报道全球石油工业新产品、新技术,坚持品牌化、专业化、国际化的战略发展方向,促进全球石油工业技术交流与装备贸易,推进中国石油工业化发展速度! 网站涵盖地质勘探、油气藏、钻井、测井、采油、装备、海洋石油、储运、炼化等专业领域,创办了石油资讯、新产品新技术、石油设备及贸易、石油资料、石油论坛、会议会展、石油杂志共七大板块,已发展成为中国石油石化装备及工程技术领域最专业的门户网站。
网站: www.cippe.net
网站: www.cippe.net
中国能源网(www.china5e.com),中国最有影响力的综合性能源网站。 中国能源网本着促进中国经济、能源和环境的可持续与和谐发展为理念,竭诚为中外能源界客户提供丰富的能源资讯、有效的市场拓展和专业的咨询服务。
网站: www.china5e.com
网站: www.sxcoal.com
网站: www.21ce.cc
博燃网(www.gasshow.com)自 2001年起正式投入运营,由北京讯腾科技有限公司运作管理,是中国燃气行业最早取得互联网信息服务许可证(ICP)及网络广告经营许可的网站。发展至今已拥有注册会员十余万,广泛分布于全国各级城市。本着“全心全意为燃气服务”的宗旨,博燃网不断积累和更新行业数据库,通过专业数据库的规模效应和信息资源共享优势与相关增值服务的成功经验,为燃气行业提供了高品质的信息和商务服务,赢得了广大用户的认可。博燃网是中国土木工程学会城市燃气分会信息化专业委员会秘书处常设单位,同时是中国城市燃气协会信息化工作委员会副主任单位,日均访问量达70万人次,是目前中国访问量最高、影响力最大的燃气行业门户网站之一。
网站: www.gasshow.com
《中国石油石化》杂志是由中石油、中石化、中海油三大石油公司联合创办的,石油石化行业最权威的综合类新闻半月刊,是石油石化行业发行量最大的期刊,每期发行量达6万份以上。 办刊九年来,《中国石油石化》杂志始终秉承了“品质至高,读者至尊,服务至上”的宗旨,以推动我国石油石化行业持续稳定发展为己任,以“大石油,大创意,大视角,大力度”为目标,以解析我国石油石化行业疑点、难点、重点、热点问题见长,以轻松活泼的笔触说新闻、讲故事、谈观点为特点,权威发布石油石化大政方针,广泛传播石油石化业界动态,深入报道国内外业界重大事件,生动展现石油石化企业风采。
网站: www.chinacpc.com.cn
《天然气工业》是惟一全面报道中国天然气工业的综合性、技术类、全彩印、科技月刊。要了解中国天然气工业的过去、现状与未来,只需一册《天然气工业》在手!1981年创刊以来,围绕中国三大石油公司所属的十大天然气主产区以及相关院所,贴近生产与科研的热点、难点和重点,及时报道中国天然气工业在勘探、开发、钻采、储运、处理、加工、营销方面的科技成果,展示了中国天然气工业的科技进步与成就,搭建了国内外同行交流的平台,倡导并促成了学术探讨与争鸣,已经并且肯定还将继续成为中国天然气工业快速发展的“助推剂” ;以专业权威的报道、期发行量近6000册、率先实现网络化办刊、被国内外权威数据库大量收录而蝉联历届“国家期刊奖”。
《天然气工业》为月刊,大16开本,公开发行。国际标准刊号:ISSN 1000-0976,国内统一刊号:CN51-1179/TE,国外邮发代号M 944,中国国际图书贸易总公司负责总发行。
网站: www.trqgy.cn

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